On Sunday, April 28, 2024, Willbury Biscay’s Fine Jasper (Willie) earned his "AKC Excellent Buried" Title and his "AKC Excellent Interior" Title at the Burlington Kennel Club's AKC Scent Work trial. Earning these 2 titles today gave Willie his "AKC Overall Excellent" Title!! Willie is not only the first Biscay Barbet to earn this title - he is actually the FIRST Barbet to earn this title! We are so proud of him and grateful to the Kaplan family!! It is truly a distinction Willie and Linda have earned together by working hard, training and travelling. Willie was also the first Barbet to do Scent work and title in many different organizations. Take a look back in our blog and see many of Willie's "Firsts"
Yay Team Kaplan!!!!